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  • Manufactured by Laser Components

FLEXPOINT® Line Lasers from 520 nm - 905 nm

Line lasers with different fan angles and a power output of up to 100 mW.

Laser Components offers standard and customized line laser modules in the wavelength range from 520-905 nm. Different housings are available.

Precise positioning and measurement systems require a high-quality laser source. The laser modules of the FLEXPOINT® series are of the highest quality.

Line lasers can be produced with different fan angles to ensure that the correct line length in the working distance is always projected. Upon request, the laser line can be optimized for a customer-specified working distance in order to produce optimal imaging results (e.g., line width). Laser diodes are available in the wavelength range from 520-905 nm. The output power can be set according to customer specifications from a few microwatts up to 100 mW. We also build laser modules that have to be assigned to a specific laser class (e.g., laser class 1, 1M, 2, 2M, or 3R).

As an option, all line lasers can be modulated or equipped with an external power adjustment. The supply voltage is typically 4.5-6 VDC or 4.5-30 VDC. Standard housings measure 57 mm x 11.5 mm; however, customer-specific housings can also be manufactured and used.

FLEXPOINT® laser modules are all "made in Germany" and have been the standard in positioning and measurement tasks for more than 10 years.

Areas of Application

Red line lasers are primarily used for positioning and marking tasks in the medical field, industry, and laser system technology – in medical technology to position patients and in industry to align machines, etc. Line lasers are also used in measurement technology.

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Christelle Anceau
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LASER COMPONENTS France - Your competent partner for optical and optoelectronic components in France.

Welcome to LASER COMPONENTS S.A.S., your expert for photonics components. Each product in our wide range of detectors, laser diodes, laser modules, optics, fiber optics, and more is worth every Euro (€/EUR). Our customized solutions cover all conceivable areas of application: from sensor technology to medical technology. You can reach us here:

45 Bis Route des Gardes
92190 Meudon

Phone: +33 (0) 139 595 225
Email: serviceclient(at)

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Please call us.
Christelle Anceau Christelle Anceau
Sales Manager
Christelle Anceau
92190 Meudon
Soukaina Karim Ayered
Sales Engineer
Soukaina Karim Ayered
92190 Meudon
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Laser Components

45 Bis Route des Gardes
92190 Meudon

Phone: +33 (0) 139 595 225

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