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UVB LEDs open up new applications and geometries in dermatology, medical technology, UV curing and analytics.

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UVB-LEDs 280 nm - 315 nm

In addition to typical applications such as dermatology and healthcare, there are a number of other uses for UVB wavelengths (280 - 315 nm); for example:

  • Analytics
  • Biotechnology
  • UV curing
  • UV printing

LASER COMPONENTS offers UVB LEDs with peak wavelengths of 295 nm and 308 nm. A large selection of output powers is also available here.

The technical development of UV sources is advancing rapidly. Our experts will be happy to keep you up to date on the current state of the industry. In a personal conversation, they will also inform you about which innovations to expect in the near future.

In addition to the LEDs, we also supply the SiC detectors for monitoring the UVB LEDs and the appropriate filters for all combinations of the various powers, wavelengths, and applications.

295 nm UVB LED

For many years, UV curing and UV printing have been using UVA LEDs in addition to the bulgy mercury vapor lamps. The photoinitiators used in these processes are developed to react selectively to these wavelengths. Additional UVB radiation at 280 - 300 nm can enhance the curing effect.

UVB LEDs with a wavelength of 295 nm are available from LASER COMPONENTS with an optical power of 3.3 mW, 15 mW, 21 mW, 50 mW or 110 mW per chip.

308 nm UVB LED

Excimer lamps or lasers with emission wavelengths around 308 nm have been used in dermatology for decades. Now, small, handy UVB LEDs with a form factor of mere 3.5 × 3.5 mm² and a maximum heat generation of 3 W per chip open up new possibilities and geometries. It goes without saying that this is also the case in many other applications such as analytics.

Depending on the chip size, you can get these LEDs with an optical power of 3.3 mW, 15 mW, 21 mW, 50 mW or 110 mW per chip.

Quick selection! Please open our laser diode selector to find a laser diode that meets your requirements. 

Laser Diode Selector


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Did the search engine throw up several results or did it actually happen that we don't have a laser diode in our range to meet your requirements? No problem! Get in touch with your contact person. We will be happy to help you with your selection or work with you to develop a new laser diode that best suits your application.

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63 Emitters

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SMD Package
Download datasheet Wave­length255nm Power9mW PackageSMD Tempera­ture60°C
SMD Package
Download datasheet Wave­length255nm Power13.5mW PackageSMD Tempera­ture60°C
Chip Package
Download datasheet Wave­length255nm Power15mW PackageChip Tempera­ture60°C
SMD Package
Download datasheet Wave­length255nm Power22.5mW PackageSMD Tempera­ture60°C
Chip Package
Download datasheet Wave­length255nm Power25mW PackageChip Tempera­ture60°C
SMD Package
Download datasheet Wave­length255nm Power45mW PackageSMD Tempera­ture60°C
Chip Package
Download datasheet Wave­length255nm Power45mW PackageChip Tempera­ture60°C
SMD Package
Download datasheet Wave­length255nm Power65mW PackageSMD Tempera­ture60°C
SMD Package
Download datasheet Wave­length265nm Power18mW PackageSMD Tempera­ture60°C
Chip Package
Download datasheet Wave­length265nm Power22mW PackageChip Tempera­ture60°C
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LASER COMPONENTS UK - Your competent partner for optical and optoelectronic components in the United Kingdom.

Welcome to LASER COMPONENTS UK Ltd., your expert for photonics components. Each product in our wide range of detectors, laser diodes, laser modules, optics, fiber optics, and more is worth every Pound (£/GBP). Our customized solutions cover all conceivable areas of application: from sensor technology to medical technology. You can reach us here:

Goldlay House, 114 Parkway
Chelmsford Essex CM2 7PR
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 1245 491 499
Email: info(at)

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Matthew Keverne
Technical Sales Engineer
Matthew Keverne
CM2 7PR Chelmsford Essex
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Laser Components

Goldlay House, 114 Parkway
Chelmsford Essex CM2 7PR
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 1245 491 499

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