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Uncooled Detector for Infrared and THz Radiation

Pyroelectric Receiver PR No1 Closes Market Gap

PR No1 is the first in LASER COMPONENTS’ latest product series that unites high-quality detector technology with high-end electronics.  

The PR No1 pyroelectric receiver closes a market gap, especially in the LWIR and THz range: Until now, there was no universal, fast and sensitive detector for these wavelengths, so that the development of applications in this area also lagged behind. The uncooled device is available in two versions, each optimized for long-wave infrared (LWIR) and THz radiation. Its 3-dB bandwidth is 8 kHz:

»Together with our partners, we have developed an electronic component with strengths exactly where standard receivers from other manufacturers fall short in performance,« said Johannes Kunsch, head of the IR Components business unit at LASER COMPONENTS. »We are looking forward to showcasing the PR No1 at LASER. World of Photonics and are convinced that the industry will receive it very positively.«


If you have any questions please contact us
Jim Dell
Sales Account Manager / IR Components
Jim Dell
03110 Bedford, NH

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Jim Dell
Sales Account Manager / IR Components
Jim Dell
03110 Bedford, NH
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Laser Components

116 South River Road
Building C
Bedford, NH 03110

Phone: +1 603 821 7040

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