CODIXX‘s uniform polarizers exhibit high extinction ratio (ER) of 100K+:1, depending on high transmission values across the entire polarizer, with excellent temperature and environmental robustness for use in the UV, Vis, NIR, and Mid-IR regions.
Many applications like polarization analyzers, optical interferometric analyzers, hyper-spectral imaging require multiple polarization: 0°, 45°, 90° in different regions of the same polarizer, a pixel pattern. CODIXX’s patterning technology enables regions orientated in different directions/wavelengths/performances. Mosaics are segmented polarizers in complex structures. Current lithographic designs enable a precise, higher resolution, see picture. Often these patterned polarizers exhibit CODIXX’s classic high ER.
CODIXX continues at the forefront of patterned polarizers and has been developing new designs where even higher resolution is even more critical than typical CODIXX high ER. Stay tuned for future issues of Photonic News as this technology develops.