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MOSAiC - Crack in front of Polarstern at the ice camp. 11 October 2019, Stefan Hendricks MOSAiC - Crack in front of Polarstern at the ice camp. 11 October 2019, Stefan Hendricks

Case Studies

Case Studies

+ Case studies. Many of our numerous products were born from collaboration with our customers. In this section of the Knowledge Center you will find some examples. Find out how our customers use our products in practice. These case studies often start with a technical challenge and end with an innovative solution. Take inspiration from the experiences of other customers and use the advantages of our products for your own project.

19 Articles
Case Study
Robots, lasers, and artificial intelligence
Steel-pipes - For Projects Beyond Borders Steel-pipes - For Projects Beyond Borders
Case Study
For Projects Beyond Borders - Together We Make it Whole
For Projects Beyond Borders - Together We Make it Whole
Case Study
Drinking Water Put Under the Microscope
Case Study
Interview | Peter Egerton, EVP Buisness Development, Alluxa, Inc.
Case Study
Sophisticated LiDAR Telescopes
With powerful LiDAR methods, researchers aim to unlock the secrets of water vapor.
Case Study
A High-tech Way to Protect the Environment
Need-based Fertilization through “Smart Farming”
Optical technologies can help to find the right balance.
Spectroscopy in Food Safety Application Spectroscopy in Food Safety Application
Case Study
Spectroscopy in Food Safety Applications
Food Counterfeiting – A Million-dollar Business
Fruit Market Fruit Market
Case Study
Researchers Examine the Skin of an Orange Peel
More Accurate than the Human Eye
Wind field Wind field
Case Study
Fiber Technology Makes Intelligent Wind Turbines Possible
From Where the Wind Blows
MOSAiC - Crack in front of Polarstern at the ice camp. 11 October 2019, Stefan Hendricks MOSAiC - Crack in front of Polarstern at the ice camp. 11 October 2019, Stefan Hendricks
Case Study
High-resolution Photos Taken in Absolute Darkness
5000 Meters below Sea Level
Case Study
Sustainable Laser Cleaning without Chemicals
A Clear Beam Profile Ensures the Highest Precision
Case Study
Long-Lifetime Laser Diodes for Space
Adam Erlich, Sheaumann Laser Inc.
Aircraft Engine Turbine Blades Aircraft Engine Turbine Blades
Case Study
Measuring Large Engines for Small Gaps
What Keeps us Flying
Smart Sensors Laser Diodes in Industry 4.0 Smart Sensors Laser Diodes in Industry 4.0
Case Study
Smart Sensors
Additional Valuable Information
Roadside Monitoring Roadside Monitoring
Case Study
Tuning Down Pollution with Optoelectronic Technologies
Roadside Monitoring
E-Mobility Application Note E-Mobility Application Note
Case Study
E-Mobility Requires Lasers and Digitalization

LASER COMPONENTS France - Your competent partner for optical and optoelectronic components in France.

Welcome to LASER COMPONENTS S.A.S., your expert for photonics components. Each product in our wide range of detectors, laser diodes, laser modules, optics, fiber optics, and more is worth every Euro (€/EUR). Our customized solutions cover all conceivable areas of application: from sensor technology to medical technology. You can reach us here:

45 Bis Route des Gardes
92190 Meudon

Phone: +33 (0) 139 595 225
Email: serviceclient(at)

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Soukaina Karim Ayered
Sales Engineer
Soukaina Karim Ayered
92190 Meudon
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Laser Components

45 Bis Route des Gardes
92190 Meudon

Phone: +33 (0) 139 595 225

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