Utilizing silver nanoparticle technology, colorPol® polarizers from CODIXX AG offer an alternative to traditional thin film polarizers. With materials operating over a spectral range of 780 nm to 5000 nm and a variety of contrast and transmittance values, these polarizers can be handled like glass or silicon wafers. Resistant to UV radiation and most chemicals and with an operating temperature range up to 400 degrees Celsius, these polarizers are the right choice for your demanding application. The dichroic glass polarizers have a typical thickness of 0.20 - 0.27 millimeter and can be easily diced to your dimensional specification.
Whether your application is imaging, LIDAR, optical communication, spectroscopy, or other, colorPol® polarizers offer the high contrast and transmittance you need. As a longstanding and loyal partner with CODIXX AG, LASER COMPONENTS USA will be happy to assist our North American customers with choosing the right polarizer for their application.
/ Handling like glass and silicon wafers
/ Wide acceptance angle for incident radiation
/ Operating temperature: -50°C - +400°C