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Low Laser Power Detectors

eXtreme Low Power Thermopile - The XLP12 is a low power thermopile with minimal thermal drift and high sensitivity.

eXtreme Low Power Meter

The XLP12 is the best device to measure from 1 µW to 3 W in broadband applications. Contrary to photodiodes, the XLP12 laser power meter handles nicely any pulsed laser, even slower ones.

  • Low Power Thermopile
    Noise level of a photo detector with the large bandwidth and high power capacity of a thermal device
  • Minimal Thermal Drift
    Only 6 µW/°C (with the IR filter)
  • High Sensitivity
    200 mV/W (without the IR filter)
  • IR Filter (XLP12F Model)
    Removes unwanted IR interference
  • Isolation Tube
    Eliminates power fluctuations created by air turbulence


from Gentec-EO

LASER COMPONENTS France - Your competent partner for optical and optoelectronic components in France.

Welcome to LASER COMPONENTS S.A.S., your expert for photonics components. Each product in our wide range of detectors, laser diodes, laser modules, optics, fiber optics, and more is worth every Euro (€/EUR). Our customized solutions cover all conceivable areas of application: from sensor technology to medical technology. You can reach us here:

45 Bis Route des Gardes
92190 Meudon

Phone: +33 (0) 139 595 225
Email: serviceclient(at)

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You have questions or need our support?
Please call us.
Elvyne Egrot
Sales Manager
Elvyne Egrot
92190 Meudon
Soukaina Karim Ayered
Sales Engineer
Soukaina Karim Ayered
92190 Meudon
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Laser Components

45 Bis Route des Gardes
92190 Meudon

Phone: +33 (0) 139 595 225

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