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PRONTO-250-PLUS by Gentec-EO

LASER COMPONENTS is proud to present PRONTO-250-PLUS, the latest model in
Gentec-EO’s PRONTO line of pocket-sized laser probes. As it is promised in the product name, this addition provides a major PLUS in functionalities.

Compared to the standard PRONTO-250, the advanced model offers a considerably wider range of measuring options: In Continuous Power Mode (CPM), laser powers between
0.2 W and 8 W can be determined without any time limit, while the measurement display is updated every 1.5 seconds with a resolution of 1 mW. This helps service technicians with minute laser adjustments. Another new mode, Single Shot Energy (SSE), measures beam energies up to 25 J in laser pulses of up to 88 ms. It goes without saying that
PRONTO-250-PLUS also includes the traditional Single Shot Power (SSP) mode for up to 250 W.

PRONTO-250-PLUS offers the same handy and easy-to-use design users already appreciate in the standard model. It comes with NIST-traceable calibration at 248 nm to 2,5 µm (YAG) and 10,6 µm (CO2).


If you have any questions please contact us
Elvyne Egrot
Sales Manager
Elvyne Egrot
92190 Meudon
Soukaina Karim Ayered
Sales Engineer
Soukaina Karim Ayered
92190 Meudon

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Elvyne Egrot
Sales Manager
Elvyne Egrot
92190 Meudon
Soukaina Karim Ayered
Sales Engineer
Soukaina Karim Ayered
92190 Meudon
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Laser Components

45 Bis Route des Gardes
92190 Meudon

Phone: +33 (0) 139 595 225

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