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Laser Energy Detector QE195LP-S-MB 

Pyroelectric Detector with an Extra-Large Absorber Surface

LASER COMPONENTS presents QE195LP-S-MB from Gentec-EO, a pyroelectric laser energy detector that provides precise measurements even for laser beams with large diameters due to its exceptionally large absorber surface of 195 mm. The device is particularly designed for scientific applications such as high-energy laser, material and fusion research.

Lasers with high pulse energy originally had a low pulse repetition rate, so that the system quality was usually determined at one-minute intervals using calorimeters. Technical progress now allows for significantly higher repetition rates, which require new measurement techniques. This is where the QE195LP-S-MB comes in, which measures up to 700 J per pulse at frequencies up to 200 Hz and at stunningly low interfering noise.

The detector is NIST-traceable and can be adapted to specific requirements so that every system can be tested comprehensively. The experts at LASER COMPONENTS provide individual support to each individual customer in order to jointly develop the optimal setup.


If you have any questions please contact us
Elvyne Egrot
Sales Manager
Elvyne Egrot
92190 Meudon
Soukaina Karim Ayered
Sales Engineer
Soukaina Karim Ayered
92190 Meudon

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Welcome to LASER COMPONENTS S.A.S., your expert for photonics components. Each product in our wide range of detectors, laser diodes, laser modules, optics, fiber optics, and more is worth every Euro (€/EUR). Our customized solutions cover all conceivable areas of application: from sensor technology to medical technology. You can reach us here:

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Elvyne Egrot
Sales Manager
Elvyne Egrot
92190 Meudon
Soukaina Karim Ayered
Sales Engineer
Soukaina Karim Ayered
92190 Meudon
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Laser Components

45 Bis Route des Gardes
92190 Meudon

Phone: +33 (0) 139 595 225

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