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Detectors with IR Filters for NO2 Measuring

LASER COMPONENTS is the first manufacturer to offer its pyroelectric detectors with narrow-band IR filters for NO2 measuring (filter option V). This innovative change makes the challenging NO2 measurement possible with non-dispersive infrared sensors (NDIR) – especially in combination with the company’s differential pyros. Manufacturers of exhaust gas measurement systems will now be able to expand their devices by an additional IR measuring channel.

Up until now, the amount of NO2 in exhaust gases has been determined by UV or electro-­chemical methods. Engine development was the only field using laser-based IR pro­cesses. The concentration of carbon compounds, on the other hand, has long been ­measured using NDIR. As a result, different techniques were applied for each type of ­chemical compound.

With these new NO2 filters, LASER COMPONENTS strengthens its position as the IR detector manufacturer with the widest standard range of bandpass filters.


If you have any questions please contact us
Uwe Asmus
Sales Account Manager / IR Components and Optical Filters
Uwe Asmus
82140 Olching

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Uwe Asmus
Sales Account Manager / IR Components and Optical Filters
Uwe Asmus
82140 Olching
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Laser Components

Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 15
82140 Olching

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