Observer Apex

Observer Apex is the central control point for performance monitoring and troubleshooting for the entire Observer platform.

Observer Apex

Observer Apex can be installed as an autonomous device, but it is also available as a software-only version. Apex is part of the comprehensive Observer platform and is typically used as a central, joint monitoring point for Analyzer, GigaStor, and Probes.

Predefined workflows for applications, networks, and unified communication (UC) are already available on the Apex homepage. There you can search for all variables and performance indicators (KPI), the performance of which falls short of expectations. Apex’s predictive intelligence was developed with the goal of automatically selecting the appropriate workflow and limiting the cause of an error to no more than three steps.

It continuously provides utilizable data from even the most extensive IT environments, which is required to obtain a complete overview of IT services and quickly troubleshoot. It is only necessary to enter one search term.

Areas of application:

  • Evaluation of technologies: By accessing historical traffic histories, IT teams can determine whether overall performance goals can be achieved.
  • Delivery of services: The delivery of services for business units and applications can be monitored from start to finish to validate compliance with internal service level agreements (SLAs) and application availability.
  • Troubleshooting: Problems can be cornered, the root cause identified, and errors immediately resolved.
  • Network utilization optimization: Individual traffic types and usage patterns can be isolated and transmission path utilization optimized for maximum performance.

Features of Observer Apex:

  • Simple and intuitive user interface
  • Only three steps to meaningful insight into network performance
  • Analysis with a reliable search filter to determine the actual cause of the malfunction
  • Quickly creating dashboard views and reports for immediate troubleshooting
  • Browser-based access to network conversations to facilitate sharing
  • Functions for setting reference values and creating reports

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