
Special Tools for Fiber Processing

Coupler Workstation CW5000 Coupler Workstation CW5000
Coupler Manufacturing Workstations

Coupler drawing machines are suited for the development and production of fiber optic passive components.

Diamond Cleaving Knive Diamond Cleaving Knive
Fiber Cleave Tools

With a cleaving knife fibers can be cut easily and effectively.

S326 - opened cleaver S326 - opened cleaver
Cleave Tools for 125 µm Fibers

Cleavers for optical fibers in telecom and datacom applications.


Recoat your fiber after it has been spliced.

PentaPod Multi-Axis Positioner PentaPod Multi-Axis Positioner
PentaPod Positioning System

Precise, compact, versatile, and affordable multi-axis positioning tool

The 3SAE PentaPod is a cutting-edge multi-axis positioning stage with 5/6 Degrees of Freedom. Its patented parallel kinematic design ensures exceptional precision, stiffness, and minimal crosstalk. Compact, cost-effective, and easy to integrate, it delivers sub-micron accuracy in motion control.

LASER COMPONENTS Germany - Your competent partner for fiber technologies, optical and optoelectronic components in Germany.

Welcome to LASER COMPONENTS Germany GmbH, your expert for photonics components. Each product in our wide range of fiber technologies, detectors, laser diodes, laser modules, optics, and more is worth every Euro (€/EUR). Our solutions cover all conceivable areas of application: from sensor technology to medical technology.
You can reach us here:

Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 15
82140 Olching

Phone: +49 8142 2864-0
Email: info(at)

Team of experts
You have questions or need our support?
Please call us.
Philipp Thalmeier
Inside Sales / Fiber Optics
Philipp Thalmeier
82140 Olching
Astrid Schreyer-Nicolai
Sales Assistant / Fiber Optics
Astrid Schreyer-Nicolai
41069 Mönchengladbach
Contact Form
You would like to send us something? You can reach us by phone and by e-mail.

Laser Components

Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 15
82140 Olching

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