High-Precision OFDR-Measuring
The Luna 6415 Lightwave Component Analyzer helps shorten the design cycle of photonic integrated circuits (PICs), silicon photonics, and fiber optics technology and increases manufacturing throughput. In a single integrated system, the high-sensitivity instrument unites high measurement speed, accuracy, and additional test coverage. By using optical frequency domain reflectometry (OFDR), it measures both insertion loss (IL) and return loss (RL) in the spectral domain as well as in the time or length domains. The instrument can be operated in reflection or transmission mode and achieves a resolution of 0.1 dB.
The Luna 6415 is capable of measuring and localizing reflection events with a spatial resolution of 20 µm as well as measuring path lengths up to 100 m. In transmission mode, it offers the best dynamic range for RL measurement. In addition to that, the Luna 6415 is not only particularly versatile, but also fast: Typically, the results for a fiber length of 20 m (in reflection) are available after 0.08 seconds.
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