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Associations & Memberships

Our Memberships

Associations fulfill important requirements from the exchange of information to branch marketing. LASER COMPONENTS is a member of different associations with regional, national, European, and international focuses.

Have a look at our networks.

Advanced UV for Life e.V.

Association for the Promotion of UV Semiconductor Technologies

Advanced UV for Life e.V. promotes the technical advancement of UV radiation sources and UV sensors. This applies especially to LEDs, photodiodes, and laser diodes. The association sees itself as a communication platform, cooperation exchange, and interest group along the entire value chain. Consequently, its members include research and development institutions, manufacturers, and end users from a wide range of industries.

In addition to close collaboration among its members, another goal of the association is to provide the general public, politicians, and the media with comprehensive information about products and services related to UV technology. In technical bodies and committees, it exerts influence on future legislation, standards, and regulations.


Automated Imaging Association

Since its inception in 1984, the Automated Imaging Association (AIA)  has been committed to advancing the understanding and use of imaging and vision technologies and to drive worldwide expansion and growth through education and promotion. AIA serves over 360 OEM system integrators, component suppliers, distributors, consultancy firms, institutions, and users from 32 countries. AIA is renowned for vision and imaging standards such as GigE Vision®, Camera Link®, Camera Link HS™ and USB3 Vision™; the Automate Show; The Vision Show; the annual A3 Business Forum; the Certified Vision Professional (CVP) program; AIA Certified System Integrator (CSI) program; and Vision Online, the world’s leading online resource for information on vision and imaging.  AIA is part of the Association for Advancing Automation.


Association of Industrial Laser Users

The Association of Industrial Laser Users (AILU) is a UK-based non-profit organization founded in 1995, comprising laser users from industry and academia, as well as manufacturers and suppliers of laser-related equipment and services. Its goals include promoting laser technology adoption, fostering research and development, and connecting professionals on a national and global basis.


ALPHA - Route des Lasers & des Hyperfréquences®

The cluster ALPHA - Route des Lasers & des Hyperfréquences® (ALPHA-RLH) accompanies companies and research institutes from the photonics and high-frequency technology branches in the founding, assessment, and financing of innovative projects. With offices in Bordeaux and Limoges, this cluster unites talents from the region of Nouvelle-Aquitaine and supports regional growth.

This network is divided into six strategic business fields (Domaines d'activité stratégiques (DAS)) and the comprehensive business segment digital industry. The DAS structure comprises two technological fields: photonics/lasers (laser sources and processes, optical components, measurement devices) on the one hand and electronics/high-frequency technology including the areas of integrated electronics, radio communication, and radar systems on the other hand. The focus here lies on the following markets: health care, communication/security, aerospace, and energy management/intelligent building technology.


Verband für Sensorik und Messtechnik e.V.
(Association of Sensor and Measurement Technology)

This is a German network of sensor and measurement technology for physical, chemical, climatic, and other measurement parameters. Different working circles and committees meet regularly to exchange business information. The Sensor + Test was established in Nuremberg as a trade show for sensor, measurement, and testing technology organized and sponsored by the association.  

bayern photonics e.V.

Network for Optical Technologies in Bavaria

bayern photonics e.V. is a regional cluster and supports especially research institutes and companies from the branch Optical Technologies with the aim of generating and developing regional cooperation inside the network.

The mission of bayern photonics is to link science and industry and to promote innovative structures in Bavaria. Furthermore, bayern photonics supports business startups, provides training and education, marketing and public relations.


Wir bauen die Netze!

With its 290 members – among them more than 165 city and regional network carriers and many utilities – Bundesverband Breitband-kommunikation e.V. (BREKO – Federal Association for Broadband Communications) represents the majority of German communications service providers. Since its foundation in 1999, it has been committed to strengthening competition in the German telecommunications market and creating appropriate political and regulatory framework conditions. With significant investments, BREKO members account for more than 60 percent of the competitive fiber roll-out (FTTB / FTTH), covering both metropolitan and rural areas. Their main objective is to ensure nationwide availability of fiber optic connections with at least 1 GBit/s by 2025.


Club Laser et Procédé

Club Laser et Procédés (CLP), which was founded in 1985, is a French association for the advancement of the use of lasers as tools in industrial manufacturing. CLP is an alliance of large industrial groups, small and medium-sized companies, technology transfer centers, laboratories, and educational and training facilities to coordinate and monitor their efforts in the development of industrial laser applications. As a platform for the exchange of scientific, technical, and economic information, CLP promotes cooperation and synergy in national and European R&D programs to pave the way for the industrial application of future laser applications. CLP is in the process of establishing itself as the key contact for agencies and European facilities. It also serves as the French interface between European and international networks such as the European Laser Institute, the Laser Institute of America, and the Association of Industrial Laser Users.


Comité National de Sécurité Optique

The Comité National de Sécurité Optique (National Committee of Optical Security (CNSO)) was founded in 2013 and serves companies and government agencies as a contact for inquiries about security in the use of artificial optical radiation. The goal of this committee, which consists of leading representatives from the optics and laser industry, is to control the regulation process via a network of experts.

On July 2, 2010, the French legislative body enacted Directive No. 2010-750 on the protection of employees from the dangers of artificial optical radiation. Since this enactment, companies and laboratories are required to secure their facilities, inform their employees of the dangers, train them in proper handling, and protect them from these dangers.

It is the task of the CNSO to promote technologies that use artificial optical radiation and comply with statutory safety regulations, standards, and requirements.

Family Entrepreneurs

Approximately 180,000 family-run businesses employ eight million workers in Germany; thus, they are of great importance for the economy. Patrick Paul is a member of the “Family Entrepreneurs” political advocacy group, which was founded in 1949 to create optimal conditions for family ownership. This group also encourages exchange between the entrepreneurs by hosting informal conversational gatherings, national events, and workshops.


European Photonics Industry Consortium

EPIC offers European photonics companies – regardless of their size – a platform for establishing new business relationships quickly and easily within a collaboration network. This guiding principle of promoting cooperation between European companies is also reflected in other aspects: the organization of meetings and workshops for members and the availability of market studies.


Forschungsvereinigung Feinmechanik, Optik und Medizintechnik e.V.
(Research Association of Precision Mechanics, Optics, and Medical Technology)

F.O.M. pursues application-oriented research projects as part of the program funded by the Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) – the precompetitive joint industrial research group Industrielle Gemeinschaftsforschung (IGF). It also links industrial companies with research institutes and provides information about regional, national, and European research funding programs.

F.O.M. is a not-for-profit organization of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen e.V. (AiF) (German Federation of Industrial Cooperative Research Associations) and collaborates closely with SPECTARIS, the German Industrial Association of Optical, Medical, and Mechatronic Technologies e.V.

James C. Wyant College Industrial Affiliates

The James C. Wyant College of Optical Sciences at the University of Arizona is one of the world’s most distinguished educational and research institutions for optics and photonics. Its Industrial Affiliates (IA) program is aimed at strengthening its ties to the industry, which will grant more advanced training for its students and create a constant flow of exceptionally talented graduates ready to meet the requirements of the industry. Close interaction between affiliates, students and faculty is established on a personal basis. Thus, IAs get early access to the college’s research portfolio and have the opportunity to recruit some of the best new talents in optics and photonics. The LASER COMPONENTS Detector Group joined the program as an Associate Partner in 2021.


Advisory Committee

As general manager of Laser Components Germany GmbH, Patrick Paul serves as a member of the advisory committee of the LASER World of PHOTONICS trade fair, which consists of a total of nineteen companies. The advisory committee meets regularly with Munich’s trade fair center Messe München to discuss the direction of the trade show and identify key topics and future technologies.

Mid IR Alliance

The Mid IR Alliance is an association of European companies operating in the field of mid-infrared. Founded in May 2021 on the initiative of the European industry association EPIC. The alliance aims to connect end users with suppliers of systems, components and services. Together, they intend to work on the further development of mid-IR technologies and ensure the continued success of the industry.

Alliance companies include laser and detector manufacturers, developers of mid-IR cameras and sensors, and manufacturers of photonic integrated circuits, modeling software, and packaging services.


OPTITEC has been recognized for thirteen years as a competency center for photonics and one of the driving forces of the photonics branch in Southern France. This cluster bundles the competencies of highly-innovative small and medium-sized companies, large industrial corporations, and leading academic partners. This dynamic and fruitful atmosphere of collaborative research and development projects has already provided ideas for several new products and services.

OPTITEC will also act as an important hub for the value chain in the photonics sector and open up new economic and industrial opportunities for companies through the insights gained via research and development. The European Commission has pinpointed photonics as one of six key technologies worldwide that promote innovations in many application areas. The global market for optical products is currently growing 10 percent every year. With its projects and European-wide visibility, this cluster is designed to provide optimal access to European and international markets.


Optica’s organization’s mission is on course to help its members in envisioning optics worldwide for over 100 years. The significance of the field, the brilliance of the OSA founders, and the unwavering dedication of those who followed and enabled the society to become the global forum for light science and technology of today and in the future.


The Optonique photonics cluster was launched in 2017 by companies, research centers and educational institutions in the Canadian province of Quebec. The goal of this non-profit organization is to join the forces of all participants and strengthen the innovative power of the local photonics industry. Together, the members want to establish Quebec as a competitive and high-growth location for optical


Optical Society of Southern California (OSSC)

The Optical Society of Southern California (OSSC) was formed in 1951. The goal was to increase and circulate the knowledge of optics and closely allied sciences. The OSSC is a local section of the Optical Society of America (OSA). Since their formation they continue to create opportunities for individuals to come together monthly to exchange ideas, network, and support technical and professional development.


As the “control center” of the regional photonics branch, Photonics Bretagne combines two different activities into one organization: a single cluster of photonics companies and the development and technology center PERFOS, which specializes in special optical fibers and components. This association, which was founded in 2011, is located in Lannion.

With more than 100 members from industry, research, and education, this cluster supports industrial development and collaboration in the region to facilitate new technological developments. The goal is the advancement of economic growth and the creation of jobs in the Breton photonics branch.

PERFOS develops, produces, and markets special fibers (especially microstructured optical fibers) and manufactures custom preforms, capillaries, tapers, and other components.

Photonics Bretagne initiated the construction of the Photonics Park in Lannion in 2017, the first scientific park for photonics.


Deutscher Industrieverband für optische, medizinische und mechatronische Technologien e.V.

SPECTARIS is the German industry association for the high-tech medium-sized business sector and representative body in the areas of medical technology, optical technologies and analytical, biological, laboratory, and ophthalmic devices. Innovation and growth characterize the different industry sectors and their 235,000 strong workforce. Technologies developed here are used in almost all branches of industry, making them an important motor for the German economy.


International Society for Optics and Photonics

SPIE serves the optics and photonics industry with more than 18,700 members around the world. The not-for-profit society supports advances in light-based technologies through technical conferences and exhibitions, expert-authored publications, and career growth programs. The scientific community is involved in emerging technologies that are used in renewable energy, autonomous drive, additive manufacturing, robotics, precision farming, communications, cancer diagnosis, and the like. One of the world-renowned events is SPIE Photonics West, taking place every year in San Francisco, CA, USA.

LASER COMPONENTS Germany - Your competent partner for optical and optoelectronic components in Germany.

Welcome to LASER COMPONENTS Germany GmbH, your expert for photonics components. Each product in our wide range of detectors, laser diodes, laser modules, optics, fiber optics, and more is worth every Euro (€/EUR). Our customized solutions cover all conceivable areas of application: from sensor technology to medical technology. You can reach us here:

Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 15
82140 Olching

Phone: +49 8142 2864-0
Email: info(at)

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Please call us.
Carola Hillebrand
Carola Hillebrand
82140 Olching
Petra Gose
Petra Gose
82140 Olching
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Laser Components

Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 15
82140 Olching

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