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New Power Detectors for Lasers with Extreme Power and Energy Density

LASER COMPONENTS launches a new series of laser power detectors by Gentec-EO. These devices were specifically designed for high energy, solid-state lasers. Thanks to a proprietary absorber that diffuses the measured beam and absorbs it in a larger volume, the new UP-QED series features the highest damage thresholds on the market: ­100 ­kW/­cm2 in power density and up to 300 J/cm2 in energy density. All devices are available in two sizes: UP16-QED with a 16 mm Ø aperture for small beams, and UP52-QED with a 52 mm Ø aperture for large beams.

The modular design allows customers to choose the cooling unit (simple convection, heatsink, forced air or water-cooled) to reach up to 300 W average power. There also are various output options: Users may connect the detector to one of Gentec-EO’s displays and PC interfaces with the standard DB15 output, or choose an all-in-one detector with integrated meter for other output choices such as USB, RS-232 or wireless (Bluetooth).


If you have any questions please contact us
Harvey Washbrook
Sales Account Manager
Harvey Washbrook
Laser Components Nordic AB
41263 Göteborg - Sweden

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Harvey Washbrook
Sales Account Manager
Harvey Washbrook
Laser Components Nordic AB
41263 Göteborg - Sweden
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Laser Components

Box 14001 / Skårs led 3
SE-400 20 Göteborg

Phone: +46 (0)31 703 7173

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