The range of temperature sensor modules (TSMs) has been expanded by our partner, Dexter Research Center. One can choose between a 3V and 5V operating voltage and a 70° or 35° field of view. Infrared TSMs require an isothermal environment. The integrated thermistor corrects a slow drift of the surrounding temperature. Due to the compact design of the TO-5 housing and its integrated signal processing, all sensors in this series absorb temperature shocks well. This reaction has been further improved in the MD-0005 and MD-0007 series through an additional blind infrared element (datasheet: Gradient/Compensated).
The MD-0008 is also new. Calibration of this sensor facilitates more exact measurements in body temperature (datasheet: Medical). All compact IR pyrometers from Dexter Research Center communicate through the SM bus. An evaluation board is also available for easy application of the sensor.