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No signal left behind


FEMTO is the leading manufacturer of low-noise amplifier modules with a broadly diversified product base and continually expanding markets. Founded in 1993 with the mission of developing "sophisticated tools for signal recovery" FEMTO has built a broad range of products that includes current amplifiers, voltage amplifiers, lock-in amplifiers, and photoreceivers. For FEMTO, "sophisticated tools for signal recovery" means that every product they develop must offer a significant advantage over comparable products available on the market.

Clare Hennessy
If you have
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1 GHz Variable-Gain Voltage amplifiers Series DUPVA

Variable-gain ultra-wideband GHz amplifier DUPVA series for up to 1.2 GHz

DHPVA-201 Variable Gain 200 MHz Wideband Voltage Amplifier DHPVA-201 Variable Gain 200 MHz Wideband Voltage Amplifier
100-200 MHz Wideband Series DHPVA

High-speed voltage amplifier with exceptional gain flatness for 10 μV to 100 mV

Balanced Photoreceiver Balanced Photoreceiver
Balanced Photoreceiver Series HBPR

Low noise balanced photoreceiver for detecting the smallest optical difference from DC up to 500 MHz.

Desktop lock-in amplifier LIA-MVD-200-H Desktop lock-in amplifier LIA-MVD-200-H
Desktop series LIA-MV(D)-200

Desktop lock-in amplifier series 200

PRA-FC - FC Fiber-Adapter with External 1.035" -40 Thread PRA-FC - FC Fiber-Adapter with External 1.035" -40 Thread
Electronic Accessories

PS-15-21-L power adapter and LEMO connectors and cables

Fast Photoreceiver HCA-S-200M-IN Fast Photoreceiver HCA-S-200M-IN
Fast Photoreceiver Series HCA-S-200M

High-speed photoreceivers based on the HCA series amplifiers with integrated pin-photodiode up to 200 MHz

Fast photoreceiver HCA-S-400M-SI Fast photoreceiver HCA-S-400M-SI
Fast Photoreceivers Series HCA-S-400M

High-speed photoreceivers based on the HCA series amplifiers with integrated pin-photodiode up to 400 MHz

Femtowatt photoreceiver FWPR-20-SI Femtowatt photoreceiver FWPR-20-SI
Femtowatt Photoreceiver Series FWPR-20

Ultra-low-noise photoreceivers for direct detection of optical powers as low as 50 femto Watts.

High-Speed GHz Amplifiers Series HSA High-Speed GHz Amplifiers Series HSA
High-Speed GHz Amplifiers Series HSA

Ultra-High-speed current amplifiers for up to 2 GHz

High-speed current amplifier HCA-400m-5k-c High-speed current amplifier HCA-400m-5k-c
High-Speed Current Amplifiers Series HCA

High-speed current amplifiers for 1 MHz to 400 MHz bandwidth

Logarithmic wideband voltage amplifier HLVA-100 Logarithmic wideband voltage amplifier HLVA-100
Logarithmic Wideband HLVA-100

The HLVA-100 is the ideal amplifier for signals with high dynamic range

LASER COMPONENTS UK - Your competent partner for optical and optoelectronic components in the United Kingdom.

Welcome to LASER COMPONENTS UK Ltd., your expert for photonics components. Each product in our wide range of detectors, laser diodes, laser modules, optics, fiber optics, and more is worth every Pound (£/GBP). Our customized solutions cover all conceivable areas of application: from sensor technology to medical technology. You can reach us here:

Goldlay House, 114 Parkway
Chelmsford Essex CM2 7PR
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 1245 491 499
Email: info(at)

Team of experts
You have questions or need our support?
Please call us.
Clare Hennessy
Marketing Assistant
Clare Hennessy
CM2 7PR Chelmsford Essex
Contact Form
You would like to send us something? You can reach us by phone and by e-mail.

Laser Components

Goldlay House, 114 Parkway
Chelmsford Essex CM2 7PR
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 1245 491 499

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