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Mikael Winters

My background is in Chemical Engineering (M.Sc). Following my graduation, I spent time as a Ph.D.student at the Department of Physical Chemistry at
Chalmers University of Technology. During my doctoral studies, I worked mainly with laser-based spectroscopy such as time-resolved fluorescence and absorption techniques (TCSPC, ultra-fast pump-probe). I finished my Ph.D. in 2007 and went on to work with sales in the photonics industry. My main sales responsibilities were laser systems, opto-mechanics, and spectroscopic equipment. In 2010 / 2011 I had a position as a research fellow at Cambridge University, where I was a part of the Laser Analytics group at the department of Chemical Engineering. My main focus was Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging and I published work in collaboration with several groups at the University. During this time, I had a leave of absence from my employer to whom I returned in September 2011. In August 2014, I left to become a part of Laser Components Nordic.

As Managing Director for Laser Components Nordic I hope to make full use of my previous experiences as both a Buyer and Seller of Photonics products. In many situations, it is very valuable to have seen with the eyes of both parties and to know the challenges that each face. My ambition is to use this knowledge and experience for the benefit of our customers. Please contact us to learn how our products can help your business!


If you have any questions please contact us
Fredrik Wikfeldt
General Manager
Fredrik Wikfeldt
41263 Göteborg - Sweden

LASER COMPONENTS Nordic - Your competent partner for optical and optoelectronic components in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland.

Welcome to LASER COMPONENTS Nordic AB, your expert for photonics components. Each product in our wide range of detectors, laser diodes, laser modules, optics, fiber optics, and more is worth every Crown (SEK). Our customized solutions cover all conceivable areas of application: from sensor technology to medical technology. You can reach us here:

Box 14001 / Skårs led 3
SE-400 20 Göteborg

Phone: +46 (0)31 703 7173
Email: info(at)

Team of experts
You have questions or need our support?
Please call us.
Fredrik Wikfeldt
General Manager
Fredrik Wikfeldt
41263 Göteborg - Sweden
Contact Form
You would like to send us something? You can reach us by phone and by e-mail.

Laser Components

Box 14001 / Skårs led 3
SE-400 20 Göteborg

Phone: +46 (0)31 703 7173

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