The HP series multi-kW detectors are now even better. As if that were not enough, Gentec-EO has gone a step further with its super HP series! This unique power technology is very convincing.
The new HP series. In the new HP series, you can choose between three standard models: up to 4 kW, up to 12 kW, or up to 10 kW with a cone reflector. Thanks to the particularly high damage thresholds, all of the aforementioned versions can withstand high amounts of power and feature apertures of up to 100 mm in diameter or 60 mm with a cone reflector.
The super HP series. If the above-mentioned parameters are too limiting, the super HP series is available. Both of the standard models can handle up to 10 kW or 25 kW. The effective aperture amounts to 280 mm x 100 mm or 210 mm x 210 mm. There are also versions available upon customer request with an aperture of up to 400 mm x 400 mm, or with even higher power. We would be happy to advise you.
Connectivity. Measure power in the kW range and display the results directly on your PC. In addition to the DB-15 connector for connection to all Gentec-EO monitors, the detectors introduced here can be connected directly to a Windows PC via a USB 2.0 interface. The corresponding software is included in delivery.
This is quality. The high thermal stability of these products is unique; no other detector in this power range is so unaffected by temperature fluctuations in the cooling water.