Launch and Receive Fibers
In multi-mode fibers, launch fibers are responsible for identical measurement conditions (i.e., the coupling conditions into the fiber being measured). If a receive fiber is used, the last connector can also be analyzed.
The fiber type should always correspond to the fiber being measured; otherwise, this measurement errors could occur. All common connector combinations are available. We offer different designs (e.g., small fiber rings or plastic cases). The patchcords can also be equipped with a special protective jacket or set up in a self-stretching manner.
The minimum length of the launch fiber largely depends on the pulse width used at the OTDR. Typically, 1,000 m of fiber are used for single-mode, and 100 m of fiber are used in a multi-mode environment. Practically speaking, it makes sense to use fibers of different lengths (e.g., 100 m and 120 m) when using both a launch and a receive fiber.
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