The advertised ST60DIGITAL thermopile product family with integrated ASIC and I²C output is starting to take shape.
In addition to the single channel detector in a TO-5 housing, two new products have been added:
- A twin detector in a TO-5 housing
- A miniature single channel detector in a TO-18 housing
Application fields. Single channel detectors are primarily used in noncontact temperature measurement. After a corresponding filter change, the components are also suited for analytics. Two-channel detectors were primarily designed for NDIR gas measurement technology.
For customers who are not that familiar with I²C, a USB evaluation board is available that reads out up to four channels. The board requires a Windows PC.
With the same consistency that Robert Toth, Sr. created the 1M and 2M Bi/Sb thermopiles in the ‘70s – which still remain unchanged – his son, Robert Toth, Jr., advances digitalization today. Back then and today, reliability, practicality, and attention to detail were and still are a trademark of Dexter’s products.