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Position Sensitive Detectors

One-dimensional position-sensitive detector One-dimensional position-sensitive detector
One Dimensional Silicon PSDs

A one dimensional PSD makes continuous detection of the position of a laser spot along one axis possible.

It possesses three contacts. Customized PSDs available.
Highly sensitive phototransistors for low levels of light Highly sensitive phototransistors for low levels of light
Two Dimensional Silicon PSDs

A two dimensional PSD makes continuous detection of the position of a laser spot along two axes possible. I

t possesses four contacts. Customized versions available.
Highly sensitive phototransistors for low levels of light Highly sensitive phototransistors for low levels of light
Position Sensitive Phototransistors

Phototransistors have a sensitivity to light that is magnitudes higher than conventional PSDs.

PSD with integrated preamplifier PSD with integrated preamplifier

SPC PSDs are position sensitive detectors with integrated signal processing circuitry.

Two-dimensional PSD Two-dimensional PSD
PSD Arrays

PSDs as alternative to scanning systems.

Quad Cell Silicon Photodiode Quad Cell Silicon Photodiode
Silicon-Differential and Quadrant Diodes

Thanks to the small areas of the individual segments differential diodes are well suited for high resolution and fast position measurements.

X-ray Detectors X-ray Detectors
One dimensional Si-Photodiode-Arrays

One dimensional silicon detector arrays with 12 single elements. Custom variants also available upon request.

SiC Quadrant Diodes (UV)

The four-quadrant diode JQA5 covers a spectral range from 205 to 355 nm.

SEEPOS - PSD Signal Processing System SEEPOS - PSD Signal Processing System
PSD Modules and Evaluation Electronics

Compact one or two-dimensional PSD modules with a mount for high-precision position measurements.

SEEPOS - PSD Signal Processing System SEEPOS - PSD Signal Processing System
Preamplifiers for PSDs

Amplifiers for PSDs, Differential Diodes, and Quadrant Diodes

Team of experts
You have questions or need our support?
Please call us.
Carola Hillebrand
Carola Hillebrand
82140 Olching
Petra Gose
Petra Gose
82140 Olching
Contact Form
You would like to send us something? You can reach us by phone and by e-mail.

Laser Components

Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 15
82140 Olching

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