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Optics for Image Processing

High Mag Fixed Lenses High Mag Fixed Lenses
Our line of high magnification optics includes both zooms and fixed magnification systems with compact, robust and reliable designs.
Low Mag Video Lenses CCTV Low Mag Video Lenses CCTV
We offer a full range of video lenses, macrozooms, telecentric lenses... for every industrial application. Quality construction, coupled with precision engineering, contribute to fine, accurate, high-resolution video images.
Easy Reader Auto Focus Zoom Lenses Easy Reader Auto Focus Zoom Lenses
Navitar continues to develop specific products for defined markets, which, depending on the application, require large format lenses, telecentric optics, or autofocus systems, to name a few.
Motorized Hall Effect Lense Solutions Motorized Hall Effect Lense Solutions
Motorization for 6000 or 12X families, stepper motors, continuous motors with encoders and their accessories.
Accessories Digital Camera Adapter Accessories Digital Camera Adapter
Coupling a camera or a video imaging system, judiciously illuminating the work scene, are often the most important components in the successful design of an imaging system.
Team of experts
You have questions or need our support?
Please call us.
Carola Hillebrand
Carola Hillebrand
82140 Olching
Petra Gose
Petra Gose
82140 Olching
Contact Form
You would like to send us something? You can reach us by phone and by e-mail.

Laser Components

Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 15
82140 Olching

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