Photonics News No 9
Photonics News Magazine - Issue 9
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PN Nordic #9
Dear reader,
when Christmas is approaching, I am always amazed by the speed at which the year appears to have flown by. Even more so in the past few years, since joining LASER COMPONENTS Nordic. Both our local organization, as well as the global one, is experiencing a continuous growth and even more opportunities to prove ourselves at the competitive photonics markets. For our local organization this means that we’re now adding more skilled people to the sales team, to keep up with the increasing demand for our products. In January, we are happy to welcome Harvey Washbrook to the team. Harvey has many years’ experience of sales in the field of photonics, both to the Nordic research community and to the industry. We are confident that our ability to serve our customers will get a real boost and we look forward to receiving all your inquiries for new projects.
In this issue of Photonics News Nordic, we will present several interesting customer applications in areas as diverse as laser material processing for clothing, ship building, archaeology, and going to the movies.
Low-friction, flat, and flexible laser welds are ideal for garments that come into contact with the skin. See how it’s done.
Our lasers are frequently used in very demanding alignment applications. The Norwegian Bliss was put to sea in February this year and this impressive 333,4 m long vessel is one example of what we can help our customers achieve.
Archaeology has always fascinated me, just as lasers always have. So, using LiDAR for uncovering ancient civilizations is twice the fun!
Last, how exactly can IR detectors be used in the cinema? Find out.
Next year will be a busy one, especially in terms of exhibitions and conferences. I won’t say too much about it now, but an invitation to Photonics West 2019 is in order. We’re in booth #1751 and this year both entrances will be opened, so it will be easy to reach us. See you there!
Mikael Winters
Lasers for Leisure Time
Laser Material Processing and Sensor Technology
Laser material processing:
In addition to the familiar processes for clothing assembly, laser welding has now been discovered as a completely new technology in the clothing industry. The Swiss company Leister Technologies AG is developing this market to industrial maturity.
Sensor technology:
Today, modern laser technology is used to assemble many individual pieces in the block construction of a cruise ship with millimetre precision in order to be able to work precisely and efficiently.
Technologies in use
Beyond Borders
Piercing through the Jungle
When you go on a journey, you hope for an extraordinary experience. The allure of distant countries lies in their exotic landscapes, unfamiliar customs, and remains of long-forgotten advanced civilizations. Historical sites such as Angkor Wat, Machu Picchu, and Tikal (see photo) have proven to be real tourist magnets – and not all secrets of the past have been revealed yet. Today, laser technology provides archaeologists with information of which they were previously unaware. Just recently, new discoveries about the Maya have caused a sensation.
Summer Time – Movie Time?
Beyond Borders
This is not as crazy as it sounds: since Steven Spielberg landed the first summer blockbuster with “Jaws” in 1975, the hot months have established themselves as the most important starting date for major Hollywood productions alongside the pre-Christmas season. Compared to the computer-generated monsters produced today, Spielberg’s great white shark is like a petting zoo animal. And nowadays, not even production costs of 8 million dollars are anything to write home about. To make the effort worthwhile, the movie experience should be as impressive as possible; for example, with the help of modern laser technology.
New Products
Beyond Borders
LASER COMPONENTS Nordic - Your competent partner for optical and optoelectronic components in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland.
Welcome to LASER COMPONENTS Nordic AB, your expert for photonics components. Each product in our wide range of detectors, laser diodes, laser modules, optics, fiber optics, and more is worth every Crown (SEK). Our customized solutions cover all conceivable areas of application: from sensor technology to medical technology. You can reach us here:
Box 14001 / Skårs led 3
SE-400 20 Göteborg
Phone: +46 (0)31 703 7173
Email: info(at)