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Desktop series LIA-MV(D)-200

Desktop lock-in amplifier series 200

Lock-in amplification is one of the most useful techniques to get rid of unwanted noise and improve measurement sensitivity. High prices for large desktop lock-in amplifiers often impede their use in cost sensitive applications. For such requirements FEMTO’s lock-in amplifiers are the answer. The amplifiers encompass many of the features usually expected on higher priced units and importantly with an equivalent performance. We are pleased to present FEMTO’s research grade lock-in amplifier range. Four different models are available, with the single-board models offering the best Performance/Cost ratio. The boards designed for a 19” rack can operate with the remote control of parameters such as gain, time constant and phase via 16 digital inputs. The amplifiers can be housed in standard EMI-designed cases; therefore multi-channel systems can be achieved at an attractive cost with the option of adding additional channels if later required.


Applications include spectroscopy, laser stabilisation, luminescence, Fluorescence and Phosphorescence Measurements, Light Scattering Measurements, Opto-electronic Quality Control, Integration in Industrial and Scientific Measurement Systems, alternative to Expensive Desktop Lock-In Amplifiers for General Lab Use.


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Please call us.
Christelle Anceau Christelle Anceau
Sales Manager
Christelle Anceau
92190 Meudon
Arthur David
Technical Sales Engineer
Arthur David
CM2 7PR Chelmsford Essex
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