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Minimodule series LIA-MV-150

Compact lock-in amplifier module with local and remote setting control

In modern optoelectronic systems lock-in-amplification is one of the most useful techniques to get rid of unwanted noise to improve the measurement sensitivity. Therefore FEMTO have created a miniaturised, powerful module operating reliably even in heavy noise environments. The amplifier settings - e.g. phase, gain, time constant - are controlled either by switches directly on the amplifier module or externally using a standard digital I/O computer board. The variable working frequency is determined by an external reference signal which may be the synchronisation signal of a chopper wheel or the modulation signal of a laser. The current input is well suited for amplifying signals from high impedance sources like photodiodes or PMTs while the voltage input can be used to measure signals from low impedance sources like pyros or coils. The series is packaged in a compact EMI-shielded housing for superior low-noise performance.


Applications include spectroscopy, laser stabilisation, luminescence, Fluorescence and Phosphorescence Measurements, Light Scattering Measurements, Opto-electronic Quality Control, Integration in Industrial and Scientific Measurement Systems, OEM Systems.


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Please call us.
Christelle Anceau Christelle Anceau
Sales Manager
Christelle Anceau
92190 Meudon
Arthur David
Technical Sales Engineer
Arthur David
CM2 7PR Chelmsford Essex
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Laser Components

Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 15
82140 Olching

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