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HeCd UV and Blue Lasers

Blue/violet, green and IR solid state lasers

The Kimmon company, distributed by Laser Components, offers a wide range of HeCd lasers: at 442nm (blue), 325nm (ultraviolet) or both wavelengths simultaneously.

With an average lifetime of 4500 hours, sometimes reaching 6000 to 10000 hours, KIMMON lasers are the best in the market.

These long lifetimes are due to the design and manufacturing process of HeCd lasers.

For more than 35 years KIMMON has been designing and manufacturing HeCd lasers and the tubes are continuously improved.

The development, manufacturing and assembly of all components is done by KIMMON itself. This includes the blowing of the laser tubes whose quartz is extracted from KIMMON's own mines around the world.

KIMMON also has its own assembly lines for the PC boards, transformers and other components that go into the HeCd lasers.

This process, although more expensive than outsourcing part of the production, allows KIMMON to control precisely each step of the manufacturing process and to guarantee the quality.

In addition to this range, KIMMON also offers solid state lasers emitting in blue / violet, green or IR.

HeCd Lasers

A selection of different HeCd lasers at 442nm (blue), 325nm (ultraviolet) or both wavelengths simultaneously.

Power ranges:

Kimmon HeCd lasers at 442nm are available at powers ranging from 14mW to 180mW TEMoo.

Kimmon HeCd lasers at 325nm are available for powers ranging from 2mW to 50mW TEMoo and from 5mW to 100mW multimode TEM.

There are six single-mode TEMoo versions of dual-wavelength lasers at powers ranging from 1mW to 30mW @ 325nm and 15mW to 110mW @ 442nm, and six multimode versions ranging from 2mW to 40mW @ 325nm and 20mW to 150mW @ 442mW.

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Please call us.
Christelle Anceau Christelle Anceau
Sales Manager
Christelle Anceau
92190 Meudon
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Laser Components

Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 15
82140 Olching

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