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Spun Fibers

High birefringence (HiBi) spun fibers are used in polarimetric sensors, AC and DC current transformers, and for measuring the Faraday effect.

Measuring the Faraday Effect

High birefringence (HiBi) spun fibers are produced by twisting polarization-maintaining bow-tie fibers during the drawing process. This maintains the circular polarization of the light. Stress birefringence caused by vibrations or thermal influences cannot cause signal loss or drifts in these fibers.

Even long spun fibers can be wound with small diameters. Such coils are used, for example, to measure the Faraday effect or in other polarimetric sensors.


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Head of Business Unit Fiber Optics
Dr. Andreas Hornsteiner
82140 Olching
Elvyne Egrot
Sales Manager
Elvyne Egrot
92190 Meudon
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